Making Money Using Toluna?
Hey guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Have you ever looked up different blog posts about "How to Make Money This Week" or "37 Ways to Make Money Online"? Well, I have. Mostly because of what's going on with PJ and I financially. And because of that, I've been trying out different websites and apps, like my post on Gigwalk last week. So today, I'm going to post my review on Toluna. What is Toluna? Toluna is basically a website that pays you to take surveys and test products (if you're chosen). You sign up and they ask you basic questions about yourself and there ya go! How do you get paid? Well, that's the iffy thing. Toluna is one of those points-based survey websites. This means that for every survey you take, you get a certain amount of points. Points range from 30pts per survey to 3,000pts for survey. Once you've accummulated enough points, you can trade them out for a gift card (unless you feel like gambling). Here, I'll...